Thursday, February 23, 2012

A well diagnosed PMS can be treated!

Women with premenstrual syndrome (PMS) experience a variety of symptoms returning during the luteal phase and attenuate in follicular phase of the each menstrual cycle. Cyclical pattern of symptoms during the luteal phase has no other medical or psychiatric cause. Diagnosis of PMS is confirmed only if symptoms are severe enough to significantly affect quality of women's life.

Symptoms of PMS

PMS symptoms are normally seen during the menstrual cycle, this phenomenon is present in over 85% of women at some point in life. If the patient has no consecutive overreactions to hormonal changes during menstrual cycle, it is possible to have a poor symptomatology or have no symptoms at all. However, if there are one or more symptoms of mild / moderate
intensity affecting daily activities of that woman and the overall relationship with his entourage, we can say that she has PMS.

Symptoms vary considerably from one woman to another and from one cycle to another, and may be of variable intensity, from mild to severe. Some women find that symptoms get worse under mentally and emotionally stress. Of the 150 possible symptoms of the syndrome, the most common are:

• Physical symptoms:

- swelling and tenderness

- fluid retention, bloating, weight gain

- changes in bowel habits

- acne (pimples)

- leaky breasts, pressing breasts or nipples (any leakage unprovoked by maneuvers should be evaluated by a doctor)

- excessive appetite (especially for sweets or salty foods)

- sleep disorders

- fatigue, lack of energy

- decreased libido

- pain especially head pain, breasts, muscles, joints, and back (especially in the lower right before the first day of menstrual cycle).

• Behavioral symptoms:

- aggression

- attitude away from the family and friends.

• Emotional symptoms:

- depression, sadness, despair

- anger, irritability

- anxiety

- swings

- inability to concentrate, decreased attention.

By definition, PMS occurs during the luteal phase (between ovulation and the onset of menstrual bleeding). It can occur throughout the period described above or just for a short time during the days immediately before ovulation or menstruation. It was noted that the severity and mode of occurrence of symptoms varies from month to month as they appear or
disappear without clear cause.

These symptoms usually last between 10-14 days per month. The same symptoms may occur in some psychiatric disorders such as depression or anxiety in certain medical conditions such as migraine, irritable bowel syndrome or hypothyroidism. Thus must be made a differential diagnosis of PMS to these diseases.

The cyclic occurrence of symptoms should be confirmed by the women, through a "diary" of symptoms. In the classic way symptoms occur at or soon after ovulation and disappear suddenly shortly after beginning menstrual blood flow. Making and consultation by a physician to this "log" is very important, despite the delay of adequate treatment.

Currently, there is no standardized method of grading the severity of symptoms. For the diagnosis of PMS to be plausible, severity of symptoms in the luteal phase must be at least 30% more severe than in the follicular phase. Careful assessment of marital relations, behavior towards children, work performance, social isolation, legal problems and ideas of
suicide, can be helpful in determining the effects of premenstrual syndrome on quality of woman's life. Just because she goes to the doctor to seek help, involve a degree of severity.

 Natural treatment for premenstrual syndrome with Calivita products

- Primrose oil has proven effective in pain and discomfort associated with the menstrual cycle. Natural Supplement Evening Primrose Oil can be effective in reducing symptoms of PMS.

- Stress Management B Complex is effective in reducing nervous tension, menstrual pain and associated nausea. It is also beneficial in reducing stress, anxiety and relieves symptoms of PMS.

- Natural aspirin n extracted from willow bark - White Whillow - is beneficial in reducing inflammation, pain and bleeding.

- Rhodiolin is a good ally against stress, nervous tension and anxiety. It also reduces menopausal and premenstrual syndrome symptoms, improves fertility and regulates menstruation.

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